Monday, June 1, 2009

Opening Night

How Exciting!

After the big parrty all the guests walked across the street from the hotel to the outdoorrr stage. It was really cool. They had a big youth orchestrrra playing lots of different kinds of music. Then there were big fireworrks. And then the perrrforrrmance started.

It takes a long time for the dancers to put make up on and for the women to get their hair ready. Lots of make up is required since the audience is a bit farther away from the stage than if we were inside. The Company perrrforrrmed Hopelandic by Kellie Hodges and Driven by Melissa Thodos.

The audience like the perrrforrrmance very much.

1 comment:

  1. Edgarrrr, what are all the little flags for behind the stage?
