Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday Evening Perrrforrrmance

Well. After a very beautiful, but humid, day the weather in Busan got very strrrange. A cold front swept in and brought with it a verrry fine mist. The stage was verrry wet. The festival staff had to keep mopping the floor of the stage to dry to keep it dry. It was verrry dangerrrous and got worse as the night got later. Thodos was the next to last perrrformance and the women were perrrforming Hopelandic which went very well. The the men were perforrrming Departurepoint by Ron De Jesus. The dancers were slipping quite a bit and had to limit some of the movement. But the audience recognized how hard they were working and trying not to fall down and gave them the best applause of the evening.

This photo shows some morrre of the wonderful staff of volunteers that help run the festival.

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