Sunday, May 31, 2009

Opening Cerrremonies

The City of Busan thrrrew a big party for all of the dance companies parrrticipating in the festival. It was in the grrrand ballrrroom on the top floorrr of our beautiful hotel. Everyone was very drrressed up in nice clothes. There are dancers here from Arrrgentina, Chile, Austrrralia, India, Irrreland, Canada, and Hong Kong, as well as from Korrrea. Lots of really imporrrtant people were at the party. We were welcomed by the Consul from the State Deparrrtment of the United States who lives here in Busan.

Since there are so many different countries represented at the festival, there are many languages being spoken. This is a picture of the company with our loyal interrrpreter, Errika who translates Korrrean to English for us.

Almost rrready to head to the dressing room.

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